Clifton Terrace Model School

​To inspire in each pupil a thirst for learning, drawing on the 
rich opportunities available to a small inner-city school.​

Te Kura o Kiriwhitana

Ki te whakatenatena i te tamaiti te hiringa mō te mātauranga, mā
ngā mea tino angitu i tēnei kura pakupaku kei roto i te tāone nui


We are now accepting enrolments for 2025 in some year groups.

Please direct enquires regarding spaces and enrolment information to Claire email:, phone 04 4727519. 

Enrolment Form

Clifton Terrace Model School (CTMS) is a small, full primary school (years 1-8) situated about a 10-minute walk to the Wellington central business district. The size of the school means that pupils are generally known throughout the school, and our teachers are resourced to ensure every pupil receives an education focused on quality.

We strive to be innovative, versatile and successful in all that we do, from the warm, welcoming environment to the approaches of our teaching and learning and to our partnership with families in the CTMS community.

We use the city to enhance our learning opportunities.  These include: The Art Gallery, Te Papa, Botanical Gardens, Otari Reserve, Kelburn Park, Te Awe Library and The Waterfront.

Key Dates 2025

Start Finish School Closed
Term 1 Monday 3 February Friday 12 April

Waitangi day  Thursday 6 February

Teacher Only Day Frdiay 11 April

Good Friday Friday 18 April

Easter Monday 21 April


Term 2 Monday 28 April Friday 27 June

Kings Birthday Monday 2 June

Matariki Friday 20 June

Term 3 Monday 15 July Friday 19 September Teacher Only Day Friday 29 August
Term 4 Monday 6 October Thursday 18 December at 12.30pm

Labour Day Monday 27 October